Blockchain is currently a technical field highly valued by the country and has good application prospects at home and abroad. DevOps+ Research Laboratory focuses on the research of empowering blockchain-based software systems through software engineering methods and practices and has achieved important phased results, e.g., a catalog of architecture design tactics for blockchain-based supply chain applications, a technique for smart contract microservitization, and a survey about high-performance cross-chain mechanisms for the interoperability of heterogeneous blockchains. We aim to help to increase the production capacity of enterprises using blockchain from the theoretical and technical aspects.

List of Outcomes


李杉杉,邹英龙,陈焕雷, 张贺. “一种面向Hyperledger Fabric的共识交易轨迹可视化追踪方法”, 2021中国区块链技术大会(已接收并推荐至?).

李杉杉,李佩如,李天歌,张贺. “iChainCode: 一种面向Hyperledger Fabric的智能合约开发插件”,  2021中国区块链技术大会(已接收并推荐至?

吴欧,张贺,王岩泽,李昊明,李杉杉. “异构多链场景下跨境海产品供应链平台的架构设计与实现”, 2021中国区块链技术大会(已接收并推荐至?).

李佩如, 丁梦洁, 李杉杉(通信作者), 张贺, 邹英龙. “一种基于动静态分析的Hyperledger Fabric智能合约漏洞检测支持框架”, 第十九届全国容错计算学术会议(CFTC2021), 2021. 推荐至CCF C类期刊《网络与信息安全学报》,审稿中.

张富利, 侯培宇, 李杉杉, 荣国平,丁梦洁. “一种智能合约微服务化框架”, 软件学报, 2021 (已接收).

Mengjie Ding, Peiru Li, Shanshan Li, and He Zhang. “HFContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection”, in Proceedings of 2021 Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2021), pp. 321-328, 2021.

Shanshan Li, Qianwen Xu, Peiyu Hou, Xiudi Chen, Yanze Wang, He Zhang, Guoping Rong. “Exploring the Challenges of Developing and Operating Consortium Blockchains: A Case Study”, in Proceedings of 2020 Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2020), pp. 398-404, 2020.

Qianwen Xu, Xiudi Chen, Shanshan Li, He Zhang, Muhammad Ali Babar, and Nguyen Khoi Tran. “Blockchain-Based Solutions for IoT: A Tertiary Study”, in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C), IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (BSC 2020), pp. 124-131, Oct. 2020.

吴欧, 胥倩雯, 王岩泽, 李杉杉, 吕伟龙, 张贺, 荣国平. 区块链跨链技术综述. 软件学报, 2021 (审稿中).


Liming Zhu, 张贺, 张富利, 李杉杉, 侯培宇, 李质颖, 李天歌, 周鑫, 荣国平, 邵栋. 一种基于Hyperledger Fabric的智能合约开发运维一体化平台: 中国, 202110435014.6.

张贺, Liming Zhu, 丁梦洁, 李杉杉, 李佩如, 周鑫, 荣国平, 邵栋. 一种Hyperledger Fabric智能合约问题检测方法: 中国,  202110435019.9.   

李天歌, 张贺, 李杉杉, 荣国平, 邵栋, 侯为栋, 袁军平. 一种面向Hyperledger Fabric的智能合约开发插件: 中国, 202110536237.1.